Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Black and White Aerial Photograph of Toronto, Canada


Black and White Aerial Photographs are used in cartography in that they are a type of remote sensing, which, by definition, is the science of identifying, observing, and measuring an object (or region) without coming into direct contact with it. This particular type of aerial photograph uses film that has been coated with a light sensitive emulsion that is comparable to a human eye's sensitivity to wavelengths. That is, black and white photographs show what we can already 'see.' The above pictured black and white aerial photo is of Toronto, Canada between 1960-1972 that depicts single-family homes and apartment complexes beside a highway. These series of aerial photos are important in that they show the progression of the city through its various buildings and building growth (the later years show more homes, thus one may assume that population also increased).

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